United States of America INC | Perspective


There have been 241 successful years that have passed since the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the launching of our democratic “experiment.” It now seems unfathomable to witness the dire circumstances Trump’s new mission statement has inflicted on modern society. Trump’s agenda is the polar opposite of the mission outlined by the author of the Declaration of Independence, and other founding fathers.

DONALD TRUMP: “I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye on the bottomline. Perhaps it’s time to run America like a business.”

So what “bottom line” is Trump referring to?

“Capitalism in its purest form is a society in which the market sets prices for the sole purpose of profits and any inefficiency or intervention that reduces profit making will be eliminated by the market.” ~Investopedia, definition of the Bottom Line

The Trump and GOP agenda is now clearly defined. This definition is the missing puzzle piece which should help us understand the GOP vision when we head to the voting booths on November 6, 2018. It appears that saving American lives in Puerto Rico, funding health programs for impoverished children, meals-on-wheels, cutting protective regulations, and a whole long lengthy list of life-saving initiatives were eliminated because they “reduce profit making.”

What are the key characteristics of capitalism:

  • TWO-CLASS SYSTEM: (1) capitalist class, owns the means of producing and distributing goods and services; (2) working class, works for producers and distributors for earned wages. There’s also a “division of labor” made possible by specialization as a result of education and training.
  • PROFIT MOTIVE: “Companies exist to make a profit.  The motive for all companies is to make and sell goods and services only for profits.  Companies do not exist solely to satisfy people’s needs. Even though some goods or services may satisfy needs, they will only be available if the people have the resources to pay for them.” ~Investopedia
  • MINIMAL GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION: “Capitalist societies believe markets should be left alone to operate without government intervention. However, a completely government-free capitalist society exists in theory, only. ” ~Investopedia (Trump doesn’t believe government-free capitalist society exists in theory only; he’s determined that America can be regulation free for the benefit of the 1%.)
  • COMPETITION: Must be a competitive market so monopolies don’t form. Markets set prices, not sellers (monopolies). If sellers set prices it’s no longer capitalism.
  • WILLINGNESS TO CHANGE: Adaptation is a critically important feature of capitalism. (For some reason Trump ignores this characteristic and doesn’t mind cutting profits to protect antiquated energy sources like coal.)

Understanding these chief characteristics of capitalism should make clear what Trump is using as his rudder to steer America. And it seems that the reason why so many Republicans are willing to hold a blind eye to Trump’s dangerous flaws is that his danger pales in comparison to these capitalistic principles that are engrained in their way of thinking, after all capitalism is America’s economic system.

However, our federal government is not a business and should not be run following the principles of capitalism. This is a ridiculously hairbrained scheme.

THOMAS JEFFERSON: “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

JAMES MADISON: “We are free today substantially, but the day will come when our Republic will be an impossibility. It will be an impossibility because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few. A Republic cannot stand upon bayonets, and when the day comes when the wealth of the nation will be in the hands of a few, then we must rely upon the wisdom of the best elements in the country to readjust the laws of the nation to the changed conditions.”

The United States of America has always taken the moral high-ground which has resulted in more than 200 years of global superiority. Trump’s vision to run America like a capitalistic business, has dramatically denigrated our standing in the world, and with the ballooning deficit…has undermined our financial strength. Further, Trump has taken the moral low ground, creating a tidal wave of enemies around the globe who now have America marked as their number one target.

Further, Trump has declared bankruptcy six times and appears to have America on the same trajectory. There’s no time to be celebrating. We have to take a long term perspective and rush to reinforce our nation’s initial core operating principle: “…the care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction…”

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